Year 11 - Drama

Course Description

Drama encompasses fundamental life skills which enable students to explore their own and others’ cultures, and interact, support, and encourage each other through practical processes. Year 11 drama offers a unique opportunity for your child to develop fundamental life skills while also exploring different cultures and interacting with their peers through practical processes. Students who take this course will develop their ability to explore characterisation, sustain and develop a role through a variety of performances throughout the course. In this course, students will learn about drama elements, techniques, technologies, and conventions, as well as different New Zealand playwrights, theatre types, and performance styles. They will be involved in devising their own performances, studying a theatre form or genre, and performing in a play to a live audience. Plus, they will have the opportunity to see at least one live professional theatre performance and participate in practical workshops with industry professionals when possible. 

This course will provide your child with a unique and enriching experience that will not only benefit their education but also their personal growth and development.

The course will enable students to:

  • Develop communication skills through drama practice
  • Understand the historical, social, and cultural context of their work
  • Use their imagination, thoughts, and emotions to create dramatic works
  • Develop critical and reflective awareness in relation to their own and others' drama
  • Attain and extend a range of skills, such as communication, empathy, interpretation, analysis, decision making, research, evaluation and self-discipline
  • Foster self-confidence through drama processes and performance
  • Extend practical skills
  • Engage with drama as an expression of culture


While having completed drama in Year 10 is preferable, it is not a pre-requisite. It is also preferable if students enrolling in this course have taken, or are receiving, individual speech and drama tuition, but this not compulsory. 

Course Specific Costs

$300 (maximum) - live performances, workshops, and travel where applicable. The intention is to see at least one live performance related to study in this course.
Students are required to have their own performance blacks (long sleeve black top and long black pants which they are able to move in).


This course provides a pathway for students to move toward tertiary study and careers in acting and musical theatre, screen acting, directing, as well as performing arts technologies and supporting industries. The drama pathway also provides relevant lifelong skills for students that complement any profession or career that they undertake.

Assessment Information

Assessment takes place as a portfolio that comprises of:
- Performance Component 30%
- Rehearsal Component 30%
- Drama Knowledge and Application 20%
- Live Theatre Portfolio 20%


Specific course content may change from what has been advertised in order to remain current and meet students' needs. 

The school has the right to make the best decision based on both staffing, and overall student interest, when preparing the final timetable.