Year 9 - Drama

Course Description

Year 9 drama is an exciting opportunity for students to explore their creativity, imagination and develop essential skills through the art of theatre. Through this course, students will receive a comprehensive introduction to the skills and processes involved in creating and participating in theatre. They will build a strong foundation in ensemble, stage composition, and character work. Students will learn to read and use various types of scripts to develop a role for performance, culminating in the planning and devising of their own group performances where they will showcase their understanding of drama techniques, elements, and conventions. Students who take this course will gain a better understanding of the importance of theatre in society and develop lifelong skills that they can apply beyond the classroom. Students intending to take this course must be prepared to participate actively and positively. 

At St Peter's, we encourage our students to become involved in the cultural and performing arts scene, and this course provides a fantastic opportunity for them to do so. We believe that drama is an essential part of a well-rounded education and look forward to seeing our students thrive in this exciting course.

The course is designed for students to:

  • Develop skills of voice, body, movement, devising, the performance of role, and technical craft
  • Develop basic skills and terminology of drama
  • Develop important life skills, such as communication, decision-making, self-discipline, and teamwork
  • Build confidence through the drama process
  • Participate in theatre activities with confidence
  • Undertake improvisational scene work based on the principles of drama
  • Critique their own, and other students' work, with appropriate terminology
  • Analyse viewed performance with critical awareness

This is a half-year course and takes up 1 option line.


There are no pre-requisites for this course.

Course Specific Costs



This course provides a pathway for students to move toward tertiary study and careers in acting and musical theatre, screen acting, directing, as well as performing arts technologies and supporting industries. The drama pathway also provides relevant lifelong skills for students that complement any profession or career that they undertake.

Assessment Information

Students are assessed and given feedback throughout the course. This is given individually with a focus on both the process and final performance.
Performance (devising and techniques) 70%
Theatre knowledge 30%


Specific course content may change from what has been advertised in order to remain current and meet students' needs. 

The school has the right to make the best decision based on both staffing, and overall student interest, when preparing the final timetable.