Level 2 - English as an Additional Language (Pre-Intermediate B1)
Course Description
This is a core course for English as an Additional Language learners only.
Course objectives
- To develop strategies that help to improve reading, writing, listening and speaking skills
- To focus on consolidating and increasing vocabulary and grammar knowledge
- To support EAL students to participate with greater confidence and success in their mainstream subjects
This course focuses on improving general English skills at a CEFR A2 level through a balanced, interesting and fun approach to learning activities. Students will be offered NCEA English as an Additional Language credits at Level 2.
Note: EAL courses and EL assessments do not provide literacy credits – these are provided through the study of other courses. University literacy through NCEA will require you to do a mainstream English course. IELTS is not a substitute. Please contact the university you are going to apply to see all requirements for a particular course.
Entry is approved by the Head of Faculty: languages and is based on testing and samples of the student’s work.
Course Specific Costs
$50 - Workbook
Students who successfully complete this course can then move to the intermediate - upper intermediate EAL Level 3 course
Credit Information
You will be assessed in this course through all or a selection of the standards listed below.
Listen to and understand straightforward English language spoken instructions in a familiar context
Read and understand a straightforward English language written text on a familiar topic
Read and understand a range of straightforward English language written texts independently
Specific course content may change from what has been advertised in order to remain current and meet students' needs.
The school has the right to make the best decision based on both staffing, and overall student interest, when preparing the final timetable.