Year 11 - Agricultural and Horticultural Science
Course Description
The New Zealand economy relies heavily on the primary industries. Many of our country's primary products are exported. Our reputation for producing sustainable products, leading the way in low carbon footprints and awareness of conscientious consumers has meant the demand for our products often outweighs our supply.
Year 11 agricultural and horticultural science course will expose students to both the advantages and disadvantages of food and fibre production to the economy, environment and community.
The extensive agriculture and horticulture facilities available at St Peter's (Owl Farm, vineyards, beehives, lavender rows, pine tree plantation and vegetable gardens) are widely used to support the theory through practical experience.
The Year 11 agriculture and horticultural science course will include the following units of work:
- Sustainable environmental management practices
- Land use - soil/climate/geographic distribution
- NZ livestock
Year 10 agriculture and horticulture would be an advantage.
Course Specific Costs
$70 (approximately) - for workbooks, consumable resources and a field trip (venue to be advised)
As well as preparing students who may be aspiring to farm or orchard ownership, this course is strongly recommended for students considering a career in the food and fiber sectors or within the fields of agribusiness. It prepares students well to undertake further studies through university or polytechnic.
Specific course content may change from what has been advertised in order to remain current and meet students' needs.
The school has the right to make the best decision based on both staffing, and overall student interest, when preparing the final timetable.