Year 10 - Commerce

Course Description

The course offers students an introduction to the key concepts of commerce including economics, accounting, enterprise and agribusiness.

Students will be able to gain an understanding of how the economy works and the role of businesses within society. They will learn strategies to help them make informed decisions as a consumer and a producer. Throughout the course, students will be introduced to pathways for financial independence, looking at ways to earn an income and invest and save their wealth. The context taught will be based on student interest and will include agribusiness, access to our own farm or local, national and multi-national businesses.

The course provides students with practical demonstrations of the economy at work and how successful entrepreneurs have operated in this environment. There are plenty of case studies and ICT throughout the course. The first half of the course is highlighted by the innovation business challenge where students will use knowledge and skills learnt through topics on economics and marketing plus resource use and sustainability to identify a current product that is in need of improvement.  This challenge asks students to pitch their unique innovation. The core attributes of critical thinking, risk-taking and collaboration will be emphasised throughout this project, and the entire course itself. Students will also be asked to consider the relationship between public and private institutions as they seek to improve outcomes for those in need in the community. A social action will be proposed by students with the option of implementation. 

Course overview

Introduction to Commerce:

  • Students will understand how economic decisions impact on people, communities and nations.
  • Students will understand how a firm’s decisions impact resource use and profitability 


  • Students will understand how people seek and sought business growth through entrepreneurship and innovation.
  • Students will learn how to prepare and pitch a business innovation

Accounting and Financial Management:

  • Students will learn to use financial and non-financial information to make informed decisions.
  • Students will learn key accounting statements for business financial management

Economics and Social Action:

  • Students will understand how inequality and inequity in the community are addressed by public and private institutions.
  • Students will prepare a social action to help those in need in the community.


  • Students will investigate the management of resources and how decisions impact the environment. 
  • Students will decide on actions to improved the management of resources


There are no pre-requisites for this course.

Course Specific Costs

$20 - course materials including write-on workbooks


The content of the course will allow students to sample areas of economics, accounting and business studies to allow them to make informed decisions about what commerce courses they may be interested in taking in Year 11.

Assessment Information

There are common assessments at the end of each topic that test skills as well as content knowledge. Research and project work is common.


Specific course content may change from what has been advertised in order to remain current and meet students' needs. 

The school has the right to make the best decision based on both staffing, and overall student interest, when preparing the final timetable.