This course requires 2 options.
Year 9 - Social Studies (Core)
Course Description
Social studies is about people — who they are, what they do, how they change, and what happens to them. The purpose is for ākonga (learners) to have the knowledge, skills and competencies to recognise their own agency and act out of concern for the well-being of whānau, hapū, iwi, and society. Students learn how they can take part in society as informed, responsible, critical, and active citizens. Social action and inquiry are integral to social studies.
Topics Studied:
- The whenua we stand on
- Conflict
- Government
- NZ made/leadership
This is a full-year course and takes up 2 option lines.
There are no pre-requisites for this course.
Course Specific Costs
$25 Field Trip to Maungatautari
Assessment Information
There is a wide range of assessment activities that all students will complete. These include pre-tests, speeches, research work,making pamphlets, post-tests, and essay writing.
Specific course content may change from what has been advertised in order to remain current and meet students' needs.
The school has the right to make the best decision based on both staffing, and overall student interest, when preparing the final timetable.